Rebecca Chibnall, MD

Dr. Rebecca Chibnall is an Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Washington University School of Medicine. She graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and earned her medical degree at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California with highest honors. She was named the top performing clinical medical student in her class. […]

Asha Saxena

CEO at ACULYST, Health Tech Entrepreneur, Adjunct Professor, Big Data Evangelist

Asha Saxena is a strategic, innovative leader with a proven track record of building successful businesses, a strong academic background, creative problem-solving skills, and an effective management style to communicate a clear vision and define specific goals to meet organization targets while sustaining revenue/profits. Asha has been instrumental in building business models for success. She […]

Mary Beth Pulver

Founder and Educator for The Simple Ways

Mary Beth Pulver is a nurse turned mom and entrepreneur whose business is about health restoration through holistic modalities including essential oils. Her dedication to teaching, nurturing and creating a community have helped her create a sucessful business. What is your story? After a background in working as an oncology and hospice nurse, I started […]

Michelle D. Garrett

Owner, The Divatude Collection

Michelle D Garrett

  Michelle D. Garrett is a business leader, entrepreneur, and multi-passionate writer, who strives for excellence, innovation and collaboration in all of her pursuits. As an advocate for empowering women in leadership Michelle started a movement with Divas With A Purpose in 2009. In 2016, her coaching and consulting company MDGarrett Enterprises, LLC was formed […]

Amber Anderson

Founder & CEO - Kayson & MORE

  I started my career as a business analyst at a large company in Phoenix, AZ. I worked in the technology department, and my job was to work with department leads and executives to identify ways to improve the business, either by creating process improvements or by implementing new technologies. Then I moved into product […]

Angel Laketa Moore

Entertainment/Public Speaking/YouTube Vlogging/Host - That Chick Angel TV/Halo Productions, LLC

I’ve been entertaining people all my life whether it was singing, dancing, or acting in plays. I decided to take my craft seriously and obtained a bachelor and master degree in acting and studied various forms of comedy. My YouTube career came about when I was pregnant with my first son and needed a creative […]

Tonia Adleta

Creative Director, Lead Planner & Lead Designer - Aribella Events

My goal is to make a difference with the life I lead; to change the world with creativity, art and love for hospitality, and to encourage, inspire and equip others to do the same. Name: Tonia Adleta Kids’ Names / Ages: Christian, 14; Anastasia, 13 Business Name: Aribella Events, Product Name: Bespoke wedding planning […]

Xza Higgins

Founder & CEO - MommyCon

Xza is the founder of MommyCon which is the nation’s largest natural parenting convention series. The conference presents topics around the  emotional and physical benefits of natural birthing, breastfeeding and babywearing. MommyCon strongly believes in holistic health, eco-friendly diapering, child safety standards and procedures, and female self-care and wellness. In 2018, Xza is presenting MommyCon, […]